Low Carbon Concrete for The Future

Futurecrete® is Adbri’s low carbon concrete reducing embodied carbon by a minimum of 30%*. Futurecrete® uses supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to reduce the embodied carbon of concrete.

The Futurecrete® range is backed by Adbri’s independently verified Concrete Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) ensuring you can Build Better using low carbon concrete with confidence.

Build Better with Futurecrete®

  • Minimum 30% lower embodied carbon than conventional concrete*
  • Can assist in achieving your projects’ sustainability criteria and goals
  • Backed by our independently verified Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)
  • Can be customised to meet the unique needs of your project, supported by our in-house technical experts.
  • Low carbon concrete available in QLD, NSW, VIC, SA, NT
  • Supports the circular economy by recycling industrial byproducts
  • Maintains the strength and durability of conventional concrete
  • Exceeds the performance requirements of AS1379 and AS3600, and is suitable for use in most applications.

Futurecrete® Applications

Futurecrete® is a range of premix concretes designed and manufactured in accordance with the performance requirements of AS1379 and AS3600, with lower embodied carbon compared to conventional concrete with no cement substitution.

Futurecrete® can be used in a wide range of project applications delivering equivalent performance to conventional concrete in most applications.
In applications that require high early strength, such as post-tension and precast slabs, our experienced technical team can provide advice and bespoke designs to suit the needs of most projects.

For non-standard applications, professional advice on its suitability should be sought from a qualified structural engineer.

Futurecrete® In Action

Yarra Trams Renewal Project

The Adbri technical team was engaged by Fulton Hogan to customise our 50MPa general purpose concrete mix to reduce its embodied carbon for the Tram Tracks Renewal project in Victoria. As the project owners, Yarra Trams considered a 25% cement substitution and other optimisation opportunities for both sustainability and performance benefits.

The Adbri team created a bespoke mix by replacing this cement with slag, a byproduct which can be used as a supplementary cementitious material (SCMs). SCMs can lower embodied carbon without lowering the strength or performance of concrete mix.

By replacing 25% of the cement content with slag, Yarra Trams made the sustainable choice to Build Better with Futurecrete®. Their choice resulted in a reduction of up to 270,000 kg CO2 equivalent per year of supply, compared to conventional concrete, as evidenced in Adbri’s Concrete Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).

Innovating Sustainable Construction with Futurecrete®, enhanced with EvoCem™ Cement Technology

Cement is the most energy intensive ingredient used to make concrete, and not all cement is created equal. Choosing a lower embodied carbon cement is one easy way to create lower carbon concrete.

Adbri Concrete, Hy-Tec, and Central Premix are leading the way by incorporating lower carbon EvoCem™ cement into our mixes, delivering lower carbon concrete to customers in NSW, SA, VIC, and NT. Adbri’s Futurecrete® concrete uses EvoCem™ cement technology to reduce the embodied carbon of concrete by a minimum of 8% compared to Adbri GP cement. EvoCem™ is AS1379 compliant and meets the performance criteria of AS3972 and AS3600, making it the ideal, lower carbon replacement for GP cement.

The Futurecrete® range is backed by Adbri’s independently verified Concrete EPDs, ensuring high quality and environmentally responsible solutions. Adbri Concrete, Hy-Tec, and Central Premix are Building a Better Australia by providing more sustainable choices and delivering lower carbon concrete enhanced with EvoCem™. To date, we’ve placed over 500,000m³ of EvoCem™ enhanced concrete across various applications, from residential and commercial construction to post tensioned work, precast construction, and industrial projects.

To learn more about Adbri’s cement range, including EvoCem™, visit www.adbricement.com.au

Where to Order

Your Choice, Our Future

Contact us for EPD information, a quote, or a free carbon saving calculation.

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Environmental Product Declarations

The Futurecrete® range is backed by our independently verified  Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) to provide transparent information about the environmental impacts of our products.

In addition to the Futurecrete® range, our national technical team can create customised concrete mixes, supported by bespoke EPDs. This allows you to achieve specific sustainability and performance requirements for your projects, with independently certified documentation which may help achieve project sustainability criteria for reduced cement concretes.

Build Better

Concrete builds our homes, schools, hospitals, infrastructure and industrial developments. Concrete is an essential material in the transition to a low carbon economy and critical to renewable energy assets including hydroelectricity and wind turbines. However, with the building and construction sector set to double by 2060, reducing the embodied carbon in concrete is likely to have a positive environmental impact, when compared to conventional concrete with no cement substitution.

Supporting the circular economy

Through our Hy-Tec, Adbri Concrete and Central Premix concrete brands, we have been producing lower carbon concrete for over 15 years, rising to the challenge of innovating our products to reduce embodied carbon while maintaining the strength and durability of conventional concrete.

Low carbon concrete 

Lower carbon concrete is produced using supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) including flyash and slag, recycled waster materials from the energy and steel industries.

The cement content of  concrete mix is the main driver of its embodied carbon so replacing some cement content with recycled SCMs is an effective way of reducing the embodied carbon of concrete.


*AusLCI v1.42 baseline for straight GP cement, no SCMs.